Kids Cake & Cupcakes

Here is a small selection of my  baked creations made especially for children…

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>read more about flavours, pricing, booking and delivery on my dippyBake page… 


We recommend booking in your order with dippyBake as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, as I do get busy during certain months. We’d like as much lead-time as possible…but if you have a short notice order, ask us, and we’ll try to get it done for you! Why not get in contact to discuss your thoughts and ideas, I always provide quotes before confirming orders so you’ll know all the costs up front when making your decision.

If you are interesting in ordering your wedding cake or cupcakes from me get in touch to discuss your order in detail. You can find all our other contact details on our contact page or visit dippy’s Facebook Page where you will also find more recent work and keep up-to-date on our latest projects.

Have a look at our gallery to see why dippy bakes cupcakes, cakes and baked treats are so irresistible…

Need a unique gift?


Or maybe you looking for a special unique gift or something personalised? Check out my handmade crafty creations and special makes.

>handmade Gallery